Over the years, we’ve been there for thousands of people and their families, during what can be the most challenging time in their lives. Here are a few stories.
If you would like to share your personal story about how Cancer Support Yorkshire has helped you, please email support@csyorkshire.org.uk
“With hospital appointments being put on hold, my anxiety levels have increased. Add to that the isolation of being alone at home. “I’m so grateful to have the counselling sessions to look forward to each week by zoom, you’re really helping me to process things and to stay strong through this difficult time. Your support is invaluable to me” – Louise
“Thank you for taking the time to make sure we are ok, it’s good to know you’re still there” – Phillipa
“I cannot believe the changes in my anxiety levels I feel so calm and relaxed. In a few sessions I have learnt how to reconnect with my body- it’s making a difference.” – James
“I am so grateful to be part of this venture, encouraging and helping others to relax through what I love doing in these difficult times.” – Radka, Group Facilitator
“Since March, we have shared the message ‘We are Still Here for You’. Our services have been a lifeline for so many. CSY’s staff team and volunteers have pulled together and adapted our service delivery, so that we can continue to support local people who really need it. We are all too aware of the impact these unprecedented times are having on the physical, mental, and financial wellbeing of many people. I have personally seen those affected by cancer struggle even more so during this period. We are appealing to everyone; on behalf of those affected by cancer and their families, please help.” - Sarah, Executive Director of Cancer Support Yorkshire