We opened our doors to people affected by a cancer diagnosis in Yorkshire on 18 January 1988. We offer practical and emotional support to help patients and their families to live well with, and beyond, a cancer diagnosis.

Take a look at the services that we provide

Welfare Rights: Are you thinking about the financial implications of a cancer diagnosis or changes to your existing benefits? Are you worrying about a cut in income due to giving up work or the impact of stopping work to care for someone? Or have your personal circumstances changed with the loss of a loved one? That’s where we come in. We’ll try to give you the support you need and help answer any of your financial concerns. Find out more about our Welfare Rights Service.


Counselling: A cancer diagnosis can bring so many challenges for the everyone affected. Whether you're a patient, a family member, a care-giver or recently bereaved, our counsellors are here to offer you time on a regular basis to talk about the things that are important to you. Find out more about our Counselling Service.


Wellbeing: Our wellbeing service is here to help with the emotional and physical effects of cancer, and offer you support tailored to your individual needs. Find out more about our Wellbeing Service.


Transport: Do you need help getting to and from hospital appointments? Find out more about our Transport Service.


We depend on the community’s continued fundraising efforts to support the important work we do. There are many ways to help us. Get Involved Today!



Volunteer driver helping passenger out
Photo of counsellor
Photo of reception area welcome desk
Photo of executive director Sarah next to Cancer Support Yorkshire sign
Need to speak to someone?
Call us on:
01274 77 66 88