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Community Support!
Stephen Morrow and members of the Leicester Street Community Club in Braddford chose to support...
This week we met with Richard Woolf and a member of the U3A who presented a cheque for £156.48 for Cancer Support Yorkshire.
The group raised the money from their tea and coffee fund and chose Cancer Support Yorkshire as the beneficiary as some of the group and their friends and families have been affected by cancer.
The money has been donated to the centre in Skipton to help them to continue to purchase tea and coffee that they provide to all visitors and clients who come in to the centre. The centre is a warm friendly welcoming place and are proud that visitors can be greeted with a cuppa and a biscuit.
It is often difficult for people affected by Cancer to make that first move to come in to the centre and admit that they need the support that CSY can provide.
Richard a member of the Craven U3A stated it was nice that we were able to donate to a local charity . The Craven U3A meet at The Swadford centre in Skipton and are an organisation run for retired people and offer daytime courses in a wide range of subjects. To find out more information about U3A visit http://www.cravenu3a.org.uk.
Thank you to Craven U3A
We at Cancer Support Yorkshire rely heavily on donations like this to be able to continue the valuable support we provide.