We’d Like to Hear Your Views

We'd Like to Hear Your Views-Your Views Matter!
West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance

Helen Jones from West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance will be visiting our centres this month to talk to patients and family members who are affected by an incurable cancer diagnosis.

This is to find out what support has been needed or was /is missing across the district and to improve services by listening to patients and families.

Please come along and speak to Helen if you have 20 minutes to spare.   Her next visit will take place at the centre in Skipton on 17th December 10am until 1pm

Your views matter!

If you don’t have time on the day, please phone 01924 317560 or email Helen.Jones@wakefieldccg.nhs.uk


Categories: Bradford | Services | Skipton | Wakefield
Need to speak to someone?
Call us on:
01274 77 66 88

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