Category: Services

5p Jam Jars raise whopping £324.45
Wednesday January 2nd, 2019
Our 5p Jam Jar collecting pots raised a whopping £324.45 for Cancer Support Yorkshire from...
Christmas and New Year opening times
Friday December 21st, 2018
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our clients and supporters. Our centres...
Carols By Candlelight-Huge Success
Wednesday December 19th, 2018
The carols by candlelight event at Skipton Baptist Church was a huge success again, the...
Craven U3A Donation
Friday December 14th, 2018
This week we met with Richard Woolf and a member of the U3A who presented...
We’d Like to Hear Your Views
Thursday December 6th, 2018
Helen Jones from West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance will be visiting our centres this...
Amazon Smile Update
Wednesday December 5th, 2018
Thank you to our supporters who have joined the Amazon Smile scheme. We have received...