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Community Support!
Stephen Morrow and members of the Leicester Street Community Club in Braddford chose to support...
Congratulations to our centre in Skipton, they were presented with a Craven Community Champions Award in the Health and Wellbeing category on 21st February at The Coniston Hotel.
This award is fantastic recognition of the work the charity does and the difference it makes to people affected by cancer within our community.
The evening was attended by Helen Gatiss Client Support Advisor/Community Engagement Office, John Skeet former client and now Group leader for the Men’s Health Group and Helen Peyton a client at the centre.
Helen Gatiss-I am so proud of the centre, Craven District Council came along to make a short video of the centre so the judging panel could see first hand what we do, they met with our Men’s Health Group who expressed just what a difference attending the centre in Skipton has made to them. We are so grateful for being nominated for the award and so thrilled to have won! Thank you