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Community Support!
Stephen Morrow and members of the Leicester Street Community Club in Braddford chose to support...
Christmas is a time for giving and at this time of year its important to remember those for whom Christmas isn’t always an easy time and who may need the help of our charity.
We rely on support from people like you to allow us to continue the work we do and are encouraging our supporters to make a small donation even just the cost of a Christmas card this Christmas.
A £2 donation (The cost of a box of cards) would provide a reassuring cup of tea and a biscuit to someone who needs a shoulder to lean on or a sympathetic ear.
A £8-£10 donation (The cost of 12 x 1st class stamps £8) would provide one of our volunteer drivers to make a return journey to assist one of our clients to attend a cancer related appointment at hospital or one of our centres.
Donations can be made via our website https://cancersupportyorkshire.org.uk/get-involved/donate/ or drop off a cash or cheque donation at one of our centres. Cheques are made payable to Cancer Support Yorkshire.
Help us to help others-Together we can make a difference!