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Community Support!
Stephen Morrow and members of the Leicester Street Community Club in Braddford chose to support...
The SMILE facilitator support programme
Are you interested in facilitating a holistic, strengths based programme?
A programme that starts with what’s strong rather than what’s wrong, and focusses on strengths rather than deficits?
We are offering a one-time only offer of a fully funded support programme, available to those currently facilitating groups or 1:1 support sessions with citizens of Bradford and Craven.
Live Well Bradford, formerly known as the Self Care and Prevention Programme, commissioned RIPEN to develop programmes for citizens who may be considering making some changes in order to move towards the life they want to lead.
You are invited to attend an Information Session for Potential Facilitators
On Wednesday 11 September, 1pm – 3pm at Cancer Support Yorkshire,
Armoury House, 45A Otley Street, Skipton, BD23 1EL
Come and find out more about the group and 1:1 programmes and see if they are something you would like to facilitate. If you like the programme and feel you already have the skills and experience to facilitate them, then you can take it away and try it out. If you want additional training and support then that’s on offer too and you can sign up to some or all of the support programme as detailed here smile facilitator training
Please call Debi on 01756 228088 to book your FREE place