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Community Support!
Stephen Morrow and members of the Leicester Street Community Club in Braddford chose to support...
Rodney Hallam is one of our wonderful Community Champions. He got involved with the charity following the death of his dear wife Barbara, who we had supported through her long illness.
In 2015 he decided to use his flair for poetry and speaking in public, to benefit the charity. He started giving talks such as ‘Memories of Childhood 1940-1956’, ‘Laughter from Lancashire’ and various other subjects which have all proven to be very popular. He visits groups all over the district giving his talks and raising awareness of Cancer Support Yorkshire. It’s quite remarkable the places he gets to given that he doesn’t drive and relies on public transport.
His talks are free, but Rodney does offer the opportunity for people to make donations into one of our charity boxes. If you would like Rodney to come and talk to your group or organisation please contact him on 01274 789155
He regularly pops into our Bradford Centre for the contents of his box to be counted. His visit this month led to yet another milestone in his fundraising quest with his total to date reaching a staggering £5.083.88!
Linda Enderby, Fundraiser said, “I’ve worked with Rodney from day one, he’s a wonderful character and such an inspiration. Most people of his age are slowing down but not Rodney, he thrives on doing what he loves in support the charity so close to his heart.”