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Community Support!
Stephen Morrow and members of the Leicester Street Community Club in Braddford chose to support...
In these unprecedented times, we want to assure our clients and anyone who may be in need our help that Cancer Support Yorkshire (CSY) is committed to continue giving practical and emotional support to anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis.
We are adapting to ensure that while we cannot give face-to-face support, we will be providing telephone support and continuing to take referrals.
One of the consequences of having to close our Centres to clients is that those who are elderly and vulnerable will be feeling isolated and lonely. We hope to help them through this by
Contact our Centres
CSY Bradford T: 01274 776688
CSY Skipton T: 07841 328673
It is crucial that as many people as possible know about our services and that we are here to help.
Please share this message on your social media, it may be seen by someone in need of our support.
Thank You!