Could You Organise A Big Brew For CSY?

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A Big Brew event is such an easy way for you to help and support our charity to raise much needed funds.

A Big Brew can be anything from a small group of friends meeting for a catch up over coffee and cake, a coffee morning in a local community centre or village hall, cakes at work with your colleagues on a Friday or a few gins at home with the girls. The list is endless!

They are a great social event and whilst your having fun you are also raising money for a local charity.

We can provide a fundraising pack and help you to ensure the event is a great success.

To request a pack or for more information please call

Bradford 01274 202226 or  Skipton 01756 228088

Photo of wine and and charity box

Need to speak to someone?
Call us on:
01274 77 66 88

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