Welfare Rights Team Awarded Quality Mark

The Welfare Rights Team at Cancer Support Yorkshire have once again been awarded the Advice Quality Standard Quality Mark for Casework and telephone advice.
AQS logo

We’re monitored against the Advice Service Alliance’s Advice Quality Standard (AQS) and have held the accreditation since 2009. Our latest audit took place on 20th February 2018 and the Auditor assesses the following aspects of the Welfare Rights Service

  • Access to Service
  • Seamless Service
  • Running the Organisation
  • People Management
  • Running the Service
  • Meeting Clients’ Needs
  • Commitment to Quality

Holders of the Advice Quality Standard must have structures and procedures in place which ensure effective overall management of the Organisation and its resources.

Our Assessor commented ” It was a very enjoyable assessment to catch a glimpse of everyone’s interest in their work and dedication to supporting the organisation.”

The following are quotes from the Monitoring Assessment Report:

Assessment Summary

“Despite some changes in the structure of the service, the director left in 2017 and a management committee has been set up, it is clear from interview evidence and file reviews that the service provided to clients has continued with no adverse effect. This is testament to the commitment of the team to providing quality advice and giving the best service possible to clients.

The Organisation is to be commended for their receptiveness and candour in engaging with the assessment process, which certainly facilitated the smooth and punctual flow of the assessment.”

Areas of Good Practice

“There are a number of Areas of Good Practice, where the Organisation has exceeded the requirements of the AQSv2 to a significant extent. This is a most encouraging sign as the Organisation, like so many in the third sector continues to navigate its way through funding challenges on the one hand and an increase in demand for its services on the other.

Staff have a very good knowledge of local service providers who can assist clients when Cancer Support Yorkshire are unable to.”

“The risk map goes beyond what is required for AQS and gives a very detailed picture of the risks faced and how mitigation decreases the risk. This is clearly very much a working document which is discussed at every board meeting and utilised by the finance and governance committee. ”

“All files were found to be in an extremely orderly manner and it was easy to ascertain the actions that had been taken and still needed to be taken on the file. AIMS and the paper file are reflective of each other with all information being kept on both. ”

The AQS Quality Mark is held for 2 years at which point we will be assessed again. This ensures that we continue to adhere to the strict requirements of the Advice Service Alliance and clients receive a seamless service and quality welfare rights advice.

Categories: Awards
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