Morrisons Manufacturing, Cutler Heights-new charity partnership

We are delighted to announce that Cutler Heights are supporting CSY as their charity partner. Angela Court- Johnston, Lead Fundraiser says :”It’s very  exciting to have such a well known and respected company, headquartered in Bradford, supporting and generously,match funding our cause.”

Lots of the employees enthused by Jason Kelly and Mark Quinn are involved in a range of activities for us such as the Dragon Boat Festival at Saltaire on Sunday 23rd June and holding regular Big Brews.

Thank you Laura Spencer Jackson for organising the first Big Brew, where drinks, savoury and sweet foods raised £73.67.

We are very grateful to everyone at Morrisons Manufacturing Cutler Heights  for their support and we look forward to continuing to work together in the coming months on events such as Step Out and more…

Cancer Support Yorkshire provides emotional and practical support to local people affected by cancer. Everything that we provide is free of charge. We rely heavily upon the support and generosity of anyone who can help.

We are keen to work in partnership with local businesses, particularly near our Bradford, Skipton and Wakefield centres. If you would like to find out more about us and possible ways of supporting us, please get in touch with Angela by email to:

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