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Community Support!
Stephen Morrow and members of the Leicester Street Community Club in Braddford chose to support...
Sisters Clair Bonner and Liane Thompson took on the Lakeland Trails Coniston Half-Marathon Challenge race on Sunday 6th June. They each chose to support two charities close to their hearts and Cancer Support Yorkshire was one of Clair’s choices.
Clair says, “I was booked to take part in 2020 run, until my breast cancer diagnosis made me defer my entry (before COVID delayed everyone’s race plans!) – but I was determined to come back to it this year.
I’ve been lucky that my treatment wasn’t affected by the pandemic, and I’m now recovering; but I know that there will be many others out there who haven’t been so lucky in that regard, with delayed diagnosis or treatments.
When you get cancer it’s not just the physical fallout, but the mental and emotional fallout too, and I wouldn’t have got through my rollercoaster journey without the additional help and support I needed, beyond that I had from my family and friends. Cancer Support Yorkshire was one of the charities who supported me, including virtual counselling which helped me through the mental aspects of my journey.
I entered the half-marathon with my sister Liane, who’s sister-in-law Jane had recently passed away with cancer. It felt right to use our big half-marathon goal as a fundraiser, to help raise funds for charities supporting others with cancer, and to run to remember Jane.
Liane & I had a fantastic day – the weather was great although a little bit warm, which made it hard going in places, but we were spurred on thinking about Jane and all the donations received from our supporters for our chosen charities. It was such a beautiful place to run.
Coming into the finish, we had our husbands, and Jane’s husband & son cheering us on, which made it extra special. After all our hard work, we got to enjoy a cooling paddle in Coniston Water – it had to be done!
We are delighted to have raised £2,062.64 (including gift aid) so far and thank our supporters for making such a difference for the charities close to our hearts.”
Read Clair and Liane’s full story here https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/Team/ConistonforCancer